Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 35 - Travel Day to Pendleton, Oregon

Travel Day

We departed Clarkston, Hells Canyon RV Park, to clear skies and pleasant weather and drove the first few miles along the Snake River.  Leaving the river, the route (Hwy 12) took us over rolling hills with one notable 9 mile moderate grade, and past miles and miles of various fields.  This is an area that grows wheat, barley and canola among other crops.

Sacagawea and Clark (or Lewis) bid us farewell

Beautiful Canola fields along the way
Many missed these steel silhouette sculptures of
the Lewis and Clark Encampment of Nov. 1805

We drove through many little towns.  Dayton was notably picturesque and many of the group stopped to explore shop and eat.  Just west of town, high on a hillside to the right was a giant figure “carved” into the slope.  I had been told that it was a 1500’ Jolly Green Giant, as many crops for Green Giant are grown in the area.  Other opinions were Lewis or Clark- I’ll vote for the Jolly Green Giant, but you can take your pick.

Short travel days give us more time for “chores”, crafts, and best of all – social time!

Dick and Ralph wash their rigs

Faye, Betty Jo, Carole, Ava, Jonette, Lula, Madi,
Cloma and Jane "crafting" this afternoon

Social time with lots of good food and conversation

June and John Pusley Rig #17

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