Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 40 - Portland, Oregon

Today is Saturday, day 40 already! Well, we met our bus bright and early this morning at 8:00 AM sharp to go out to Mt. St. Helens. The weather was a bit overcast but no rain so far. We headed out and our 1st stop was Silver Lake visitor center where we watched a film, Intro to Mt St. Helens!

Not too long after our stop we headed to lunch!!  The Hoffstadt Bluffs.  Very nice enjoyed by all!  Next stop Johnson Ridge visitor center.  It was raining and we only saw the bottom of the Mt.  Boo! 

Top of Mt. St. Helens in the clouds
Mt. St. Helens erupted on May 18th, 1980.  The extensive amount of ash and rock filled the valleys below draining all of its small lakes.  Farther away pumice and ash formed layers that buried the landscape to depths of 10 feet or more.  The blast traveled up to 300 miles per hour taking the lives of 57 souls!  Most got out with their lives due to early warnings!

May 18, 1980
Toutle Valley filled with ash and rock
More devastation in the valley
Old growth forest - leveled

Five smaller explosive episodes occurred from May 25th thru Oct 16th, 1980. Mt. St. Helens elevation before: 9,677 feet, after: 8,363 feet.  3.7 billion cubic yards of volume removed!  Buried 14 miles of the Toutle River Valley to an average depth of 150 feet, some depths up to 600 feet deep!  Wow!

Before: Elevation 9,677
After:  Elevation 8,363

All and all it was an awesome feat produced by "Mother Nature!!

Home safe and sound by 4:00 due to our great bus driver Karen. Tks. Karen! :-)

Phil & Sue Schaaf #1

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